Monday, 7 April 2008

Top 20 Games in 2008 and Beyond...

20.  The Bourne Conspiracy - PS3, Xbox 360

19.  Sonic Unleashed - Xbox 360, PS3, Wii

18.  Too Human - Xbox 360

17.  Facebreaker - PS3, Xbox 360, Wii

16.  Project Origin - PC, PS3, Xbox 360

15.  Mercenaries 2 - PC, PS2, PS3, Xbox 360

14.  Iron Man - PS3, Xbox 360

13.  Resident Evil 5 - PS3, Xbox 360

12.  Ninja Gaiden 2 - Xbox 360

11.  Killzone 2 - PS3

10.  Battlefield: Bad Company - Xbox 360, PS3

9. Haze - PS3

8. GRID - PC, PS3, Xbox 360

7. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. - PS3, Xbox 360

6. Gears of War 2 - Xbox 360

5. Mario Kart Wii - Wii

4. Star Wars: Force Unleashed - Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS

3. Alone in the Dark - Xbox 360, PS3, Wii

2. Grand Theft Auto IV - Xbox 360, PS3

1. MGS4: Guns of the Patriots - PS3

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